Contact Fr. Valley one month (un mes) in advance.
Contact Fr. Valley six months (seis meses) in advance.
OCIA classes meet Monday evenings in the Religious Education (RE) building. Contact Troy Tipton (918) 314-2153.
If you are currently an unbaptized adult looking to join into full Communion with the Catholic Church, OCIA is for YOU! Sign up in the narthex. Classes begin September 16th.
Our volunteer Faith Formation teachers bring our faith to life for our parish youth in grades K-12. Here students and families receive instruction, learn prayers, take part in fellowship and service projects, receive sacrament preparation, and are equipped with the tools to carry their faith into the future.
Shonna Fletcher, Director of Religious Education (918) 948-2334
Engaging studies provided by Tony & Jenni Winter and Allan & Jenna Bolt. Something for everyone.
Join us for Lectio: The Case for Jesus beginning September 9th. Sign-up sheet in the narthex. Cost is $15.00.